Autocount Accounting is an accounting software come with rich accounting features. It is a high quality of accounting software popularity among all Malaysia SMEs.
For the user of Autocount Accounting, during the end of accounting book, do you know how to mange period lock to your current company account book?
How to Manage Period Lock in Autocount Accounting?
There are 5 simple steps to create a new Fiscal Year in Autocount Accounting v2, which are:
Step 1: Open up Manage Fiscal Year

After login to Autocount Accounting, you may reach out “Tools” and select “Manage Fiscal Year”. It will pop out a new window for manage fiscal year.
Step 2: Select Manage Period Lock

In order to Manage Period Lock, select Manage Period Lock from the right panel.
Step 3: Period Lock

Once you had select Manage Period Lock, it will pop out a new window Period Lock.
Step 4: Check Period Lock

You may check the “tick” under lock table column. Once the account book is checked, the account book is not available for editing.
Step 5: Manage Exception

You are able to manage exception by clicking the manage exception button on the period lock panel (on the right panel). After that, you are able to select user group on the right to assign them to the books accordingly.
Check out the whole Manage Period Lock with our video here:

Still lost your way during manage period lock in Autocount Accounting? Contact us now!