Autocount Accounting Product Update

Here is the update announcement for Autocount Accounting Product (v1.9 & v2.0), mainly features in

  1. Mid-Year v2 Upgrade Promotion
  2. Price Revision for Add=on Users (v1.9 & v2.0)
  3. Cloud Payroll Express Trade-in Promotion
  4. OneSales Subscription Portal & OneSales Promotion

1. Mid-Year v2 Upgrade Promotion

For Autocount User who still using v.19, it is time for you to upgrade your version to 2.0 now! Effective from 16th July, the upgrade discount for v1.9 to 2.0 increased from previously 45% to 55%.

The Discount is included with Autocount Edition, Network User, Module and Plugins as well.

2. Price Revision for add-on User (v1.9 & v2.0)

The Pricing for Autocount Accounting add-on user will be rising with the beginning of 16th September.

Please contact us for further information and details on new pricing for Autocount Accounting Add-on User.

3. Cloud Payroll Express Trade-in Promotion

Trading period begin on 1st July and end in 31st August.

For those users who trade in any on-prime payroll software or cloud payroll software, will entitle 1-year subscription discounted price on their Cloud Payroll Express Plan.

Contact us to get promo code for Cloud Payroll Express trade in Promotion.

4. OneSales Subscription Portal & OneSales Promotion

OneSales Subscription Portal Billing Starting from 17th July to 30th September (for OneSales POS & OneSales MarketPlace).

There will be divided into two categories which are:

  • 1st 3 months 90% discount
  • Buy 1 Year Free 4 Months promotion

Contact us to learn more about this promotion!

Do you want to learn more details about the above Autocount Product updates? Do contact our expert so that we can consult you through fully.

Autocount Accounting 2.0 New Features Highlights


Before we going to features highlights, do you know that you can upgrade your Autocount Accounting v1.9 to Autocount Accounting v2.0 with a HUGE SPECIAL DISCOUNT RATE% which is more than 65% !!!!

Upragde Autocount 1.9 - 2.0 with a SPECIAL DISCOUNT RATE NOW!


What is Auto Count Accounting 2.0 Version? 

Auto Count Accounting is an upgraded version from Auto Count Accounting 1.9 Version. Auto Count Accounting is a powerful business application tool that enables you to manage your business data, to analyse your business performance, to share your business information, and to help you make informed business decisions.

Why is Auto Count Accounting 2.0 Version? 

In Auto Count Accounting 2.0 Version, we have more NEW and ENHANCED features are included in this fantastic upgrade. We want to give users an easier and convenient experience in the cumbersome work. 

What are the new features in Auto Count Accounting 2.0 Version:

Autocount Accounting v2.0 Features Video
Autocount Accounting 2.0 New Features Update Video

New Standard Features

-Interface & Shortcuts

-Smart Search Lookup

-Document Flow

-Document Template

-Stock Take

-Purchase Request

-Reminder on Database Size

New Advanced Features

-Access Rights


-Alternative Item Code


-Document Transfer

-Deposit Entry

Enhanced Existing Features

-Advanced Item

-Recurring Transactions

-Stock Disassembly

-Customizable Entry Forms


Join Our Autocount Accounting 2.0 Free Workshop Now!

Autocount Accounting 2.0 Workshop

It is FREE! All you need to do is just have to click the register link here!

So, what are you waiting for? Pick up the phone and call ( 019-713 2191 / 012-7421327 ) for more details!

You may also follow and like our Facebook page, every latest promotion and upgrade will be updated on our Facebook page.

Mandatory version update for AutoCount License

To fulfil the requirements of PDPA Malaysia, AutoCount license server will be migrated from Microsoft Azure located in Singapore to Alibaba Cloud located in Malaysia. The migration is expected to take place in April 2022.

All users currently using AutoCount Accounting 2.0 and/or AutoCount POS/FnB 5.0 MUST have their software version updated to at least Accounting 2.0.27 (Rev 188), Server 2.0.5 (Rev 135) and/or POS/FnB5.0.34 (Revision 176) before 31 March 2022.

Our support department will contact you to make further arrangement to carry out the version update. However, should you haven’t received any call from our support department after 25 Mar 2022, kindly contact us as we may have been not able to reach you. The update shall be carried out via remote access during normal office hour (08300~1800 Monday to Friday). During the update all related workstations/users must be logged out. The whole update process shall take not more than 30mins for standard packages. It shall need longer time for those with multiple companies/account books/users or special customization/plugins

Learn More about Autocount License update now!

Autocount Accounting – How to Manage Period Lock

Autocount Accounting is an accounting software come with rich accounting features. It is a high quality of accounting software popularity among all Malaysia SMEs.

For the user of Autocount Accounting, during the end of accounting book, do you know how to mange period lock to your current company account book?

How to Manage Period Lock in Autocount Accounting?

There are 5 simple steps to create a new Fiscal Year in Autocount Accounting v2, which are:

Step 1: Open up Manage Fiscal Year

After login to Autocount Accounting, you may reach out “Tools” and select “Manage Fiscal Year”. It will pop out a new window for manage fiscal year.

Step 2: Select Manage Period Lock

In order to Manage Period Lock, select Manage Period Lock from the right panel.

Step 3: Period Lock

Once you had select Manage Period Lock, it will pop out a new window Period Lock.

Step 4: Check Period Lock

You may check the “tick” under lock table column. Once the account book is checked, the account book is not available for editing.

Step 5: Manage Exception

You are able to manage exception by clicking the manage exception button on the period lock panel (on the right panel). After that, you are able to select user group on the right to assign them to the books accordingly.

Check out the whole Manage Period Lock with our video here:

Still lost your way during manage period lock in Autocount Accounting? Contact us now!

Autocount Accounting – How to Add new Fiscal Year

Autocount Accounting is an accounting software come with rich accounting features. It is a high quality of accounting software popularity among all Malaysia SMEs.

For the user of Autocount Accounting, during the end of accounting book, do you know how to manage another new Fiscal Year to your current company account book?

How to add new Fiscal Year in Autocount Accounting?

There are 5 simple steps to create a new Fiscal Year in Autocount Accounting v2, which are:

Step 1: Open up Manage Fiscal Year

After login to Autocount Accounting, you may reach out “Tools” and select “Manage Fiscal Year”. It will pop out a new window for manage fiscal year.

Step 2: Select latest Fiscal Year

In the manage fiscal year panel, select the latest fiscal year among all the fiscal year (compare to the year of each fiscal year period).

Step 3: Add New Fiscal Year

Once you had successfully select the latest fiscal year, then click “New Next Fiscal Year” button from the right panel. It will pop out a new window.

Step 4: Select new Fiscal Year Date

After the new pop out window, select the correct start date (usually default date continued with the last selected fiscal year period) and end date (end of fiscal year period). If both of the start date and end date is corrected, then click “ok” to continue.

Step 5: Check out for new Fiscal Year

After completed step 4, the system will take you back to fiscal year panel window, then you should be able to see a new Fiscal Year added with the start date and end date selected in step 4. A new Fiscal Year had been created successfully.

Check out the whole create Fiscal Year Period with our video here:

Still lost your way during create a new fiscal year period in Autocount Accounting? Contact us now!

Autocount Cloud Accounting Review

Autocount Cloud Accounting is an online accounting software by allowing you to login and perform accounting transactions. It is a useful online platform by storing all of your accounting transactions is a secure and reliable cloud server. The way of storing your data in cloud is secured and protected. Unlike local accounting, your documentation required filing and documented, online cloud accounting will transform to paperless e documentation, the auto arrange function, arranged you file neat and nice.

Aside from cloud features and function, Autocount Cloud Accounting provide several highlighted features itself, listed out by the following:

  1. New Autocount Accounting Dashboard that sync real time data

New Autocount Cloud Accounting provide a brand new dashboard by allowing you to glance out most of the info in one glance. The summarize real time info is synchronize to your real time and actual data to your production. Aside from displaying, al of the chart support drill down details viewing, which means that you are able to click on the chart data and it will display the details info, for example sales amount, after you click for drill down info, it will list out all the sales invoice, bank amount or even customer. However, user is able to customize their own dashboard panel. You may select which of the info that most presentable and suitable for you and included it in your cloud accounting dashboard.

2. Product Management, define the old way of product creation

Autocount Cloud Accounting offer the brand new product management by allowing 2 levels of product variant, this features allow you to cross adding product type, for example a shirt product consists of size S, M and L. With the effectiveness of product management, you are able to create the shirt type with a single transaction, instead of previous way, adding the product one by one.

3. Simplified Accounting, not just accounting

Autocount cloud Accounting provide new user and accounting friendly function and features that allow clerk and assistant, is capable to perform accounting books, their simplified the accounting process and accounting terms. Moreover, the customizable report in Autocount Cloud Accounting is the most attractive functions, as it is able to generate vary of the presentable reports during the end of your company fiscal year.

FREE Usage Autocount Cloud Accounting

Currently, Autocount Cloud Accounting is having free registration period, it ends until the end of 31 July 2021, it is not too late from now!! Register here!

Contact us to learn more on Autocount Cloud Accounting.